b.dude@yahoo.com 1-480-522-0532


Your DOMINANT temperament is a WATER! As you have learned from your quiz by now, WATERs are one of the four Basic Elements of Temperament (a practical model for self-awareness and for understanding the behaviors we see around us every day).

Waters (much like Airs) see possibilities, meanings and relationships but through the lens of their impact on family members, co-workers, and their organizations. It’s how they view the world! Caring for harmony in both their home and work life, Waters are sympathetic listeners and compassionate friends and co-workers. They are team players, well-liked by the other three temperaments, and enjoy the struggle to find ways to improve the living and working conditions of the family, team, and organization. Waters make long-term commitments to self-development and to the continued skill-building and enhancement of others. They often participate in self-development activities to acquire  skills that may ultimately benefit their family, team, and/or company.

Waters believe that trust is given and not earned, however once such trust is broken they typically neither forgive nor forget. For example, an employee who cheats or steals from the organization and is not fired will most likely be shunned by a Water for the rest of his/her employment.

Water parents maintain very close relationships with their children and are concerned with how they view the world—and how they are viewed by the world. They are wonderful advocates and defenders of their families and institutions. Interpersonal communication is one of their major strengths.

The ideal world of work for the DOMINANT WATER includes a friendly, caring, and well-paid workforce that receives all the training, benefits, support, and skill-building it desires. It is a world where conflicts are rare but will be resolved in an adult manner where both sides are heard and a cooperative agreement reached. A typical Water goal is to ensure that any organizational change first considers its impact on the workforce.

Waters occasionally get a reputation for being emotional, overly sensitive, and impractical.

You Know You’re A Water When You. . .

  • LOVE the latest organizational opportunity for training and the development of workforce members. An investment in a company’s people is an investment in success;
  • HATE to give and receive negative feedback. Waters believe such sessions often result in bruised feelings and tears. They take all feedback to heart;
  • LOVE discussing the personal progress of individual family members, co-workers, and employees. Enhanced careers are beneficial to achieving cooperation and harmony;
  • HATE to refuse an individual, team, or other request from the organization. While refusing may be unavoidable at times, Waters will work overtime, weekends, and holidays to help others, if possible;
  • LOVE reviewing the company’s benefits packages for the workforce and making suggestions for enhancements. Employees who are happy with the salary and benefits and promotional opportunities make better workers and achieve more corporate goals;
  • HATE conflict between family members, co-workers, or employees. Waters dread the chaos, confusion, and hurt feelings that often result in personal conflict. Waters, typically optimistic to a fault, are adept at serving as negotiators and peacemakers;
  • LOVE accepting additional work tasks to help out a family member or business colleague. Waters will often accept such work without complaint—until such requests for help are abused;
  • HATE making decisions relying solely on data, statistics, and traditional measurement models without incorporating their effect on employees and the working environment;
  • LOVE advocating for individuals, teams, or the organization. This enhances harmony and boosts the company’s reputation;
  • HATE cheating or stealing within the family or company.


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