b.dude@yahoo.com 1-480-522-0532

The Basic Elements of Temperament – Through the Eyes of DOM and SHAD

DOM (short for Dominant) and SHAD (Shadow) are two characters that bring insight for readers in book about temperament entitled, “What Makes You Tick and What Ticks You Off,” by co-authors Jim Harden and Brad Dude. They created The Basic Elements (c) to simplify the explanation of personality types and provide easily remembered temperament types – there are 4 in all: earth, air, fire, water. We are born with one dominant and one shadow temperament. Our dominant temperament behaviors are the easiest for us to use and develop. However, our shadow temperament behaviors are the hardest for us to use and develop–yet they provide the greatest opportunity for self-development. But, best of all, using temperament theory can provide you with insight into finding out what makes your boss, your co-workers, your loved ones, and yourself–tick and can lead you to a Happier Life!

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