b.dude@yahoo.com 1-480-522-0532


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For thousands of years observers of public behavior have categorized, discussed, and redefined the trends and preferences they witnessed in the behaviors of their fellow men and women. These preferences are called temperaments and are genetically imprinted in our personalities in a prioritize order.

Using Earth Air, Fire and Water to describe the four basic elements of temperament has enabled the analysis of these preferences in ways that promote personal understanding, enhance working relationships, and reduce conflicts in a practical and easily understandable structure.

Goals to improve the professional connections between employees and their bosses may now be achieved through a better understanding of their temperaments and how those temperaments can be effectively harmonized. This new comprehension of temperament can aid in more accurately predicting how bosses view the world of work; how employees can effectively anticipate what their bosses expect of them; and, how employees may enhance their understanding of the decisions and actions that their bosses take.

A critical lesson to learn is how the Dominant temperament (whether it be Earth, Air, Fire, or Water) influences behavior, actions, opinions, and decision-making. Personal preferences in the form of these four Dominant temperaments are major influencers, default settings if you willfor making decisions and conducting business. In adults, Dominant temperaments are well developed since they have been practiced and utilized unconsciously throughout a lifetime. The Dominant temperament is what makes them tick. It is who they are.

Another critical lesson to learn in the study of temperament is an understanding of the Shadow temperament. The Shadow (that fourth or least preferred temperament that we all possess) typically creates the most conflict between employees and their bosses. This is particularly true when a boss’s Dominant temperament (first or most preferred temperament in the genetic prioritization) is the employee’s Shadow temperament.

It is the Shadow temperament that influences one’s judgement of the behavior of bosses, colleagues, co-workers, clients, and others — often in a negative manner. This negativity is then communicated through verbal and non-verbal cues and then often mirrored back by those being negatively judged. Condescending looks, confusing stares, and other physical reactions are easily recognizable and typically result in an in kind response. Non-verbal cues communicate negative vibes that, over time, also become recognizable and can ruin working relationships — and even careers — through misunderstandings, misperceptions, and outright conflict!

What Can I Do? 10 Tips!

Achieving a more positive and effective connection with bosses requires continued study of Dominant and Shadow temperaments.

1) Explore the strengths of your Dominant temperament. Holders of each Dominant temperament believe the way they operate is the “right way.” Appreciate the behaviors in others who share your Dominant temperament. Analyze specific behaviors that you believe contribute the most value to your organization;

2) Find a mentor or coach to help you identify how the Dominant behaviors you believe add value can interfere with positive communication approaches with your boss and other employees. This will be a wakeup call for you and begin your exploration of temperament differences;

3) Read additional material or attend a seminar on the subject of temperament. There are many temperament models, books, and articles to choose from that will expand your understanding of how temperament influences the way we view the world;

4) Study the actions and behaviors of your boss until you can recognize his/her Dominant temperament. This recognition will enable you to begin the process of understanding and appreciating the contribution your boss makes to the company while identifying behaviors that tick you off;

5) Explore behaviors in your Shadow temperament. Analyze why you believe that many of these behaviors are “wrong” or “crazy.” The Shadow is like a two-sided coin. The negative side contains the myths, biases, prejudices and judgments that we have learned from parents, coaches, ministers, playmates, troop leaders, and many that we invented ourselves. We project those negative beliefs on the behaviors of others, typically representing our Shadow temperament, as strong dislike or even disgust. The positive side contains our potential skills, aptitudes, and interests not yet activated or developed in us. Are they really there? They show up as admiration and envy of others who are doing what we wish we could do — or possibly should be doing.

6) See how your Shadow temperament influences your perception of your boss’s decisions and approaches to work. Carl Jung, the famous Swiss psychiatrist, noted that our Shadow temperament is a defense mechanism that helps us maintain our illusion that we are right about most everything;

7) Discover your boss’s Shadow temperament. Sometimes this is difficult to do but you may find that most of your problems with your boss are due to your Dominant temperament being at odds with his/her Dominant temperament (especially if it is your Shadow temperament), causing continual conflicts between the two of you;

8) Analyze the specific behaviors that your boss demonstrates that bother you the most. Determine what Dominant temperament they seem to reflect. Are they behaviors from your Shadow temperament? If so, you’ve identified a great starting point for improving the employee/boss relationship;

9) Identify the Dominant and Shadow temperament of other employees. Look for commonalities with those who share your Dominate temperament. Look for differences with those whose behaviors represent your Shadow temperament; and,

10) Make an effort to discuss differences with those whose behaviors represent your Shadow temperament. Ideally, this includes your boss or, at least, other employees. Take them to lunch. Meet with them in a non-threatening, perhaps social, environments. Explore how they view the world and try to understand why their views and approaches bother you so much. Ask them for advice in working with them more effectively. This will be the most direct method for improving your relationships with your boss and other employees.

When you perceive the special gifts that each temperament bestows, you can have a more stress-free and conflict-free work life. In addition, you will definitely be able to work more effectively with your boss!

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